Covid FAQ
We are all in this together
In these trying times, we do our best to answer your specific questions regarding your retreat or workshop. Feel free to contact us if you need any further information on how we handle covid on safari here at Nature Connexion.
We will notify you as soon as we are informed of any changes to travel arrangements due to Coronvirus restrictions.
If restrictions are put in place which do not allow you to travel to a particular destination over the scheduled dates due to Coronavirus, the retreat shall be postponed by up to a period of 12 months, and if we are still not able to offer the retreat during this period due to the travel ban, then we undertake to refund payments to the extent that we are able to recover them from our suppliers, subject to us retaining 10% of the amounts we are able to recover to cover the costs we incur.
If we are not able to find an alternative solution, including offering you a retreat of a similar nature in a different location, the retreat shall be postponed by up to a period of 12 months, and if we are still not able to offer the retreat during this period due to no available flights/accommodation, then we undertake to refund payments made by us to suppliers to the extent that we are able to recover them from our suppliers, subject to us retaining 10% of the amounts we are able to recover to cover the costs we incur.
We will only run a retreat if it is safe and we are legally allowed to do so. If a retreat is going ahead but you decide to cancel, our standard cancellation policy in our terms and conditions apply.
If you want to postpone your retreat, we will endeavor to assist you, but there may be a fee charged due to us having incurred costs. If our suppliers will not agree to a postponement, and you elect not to attend the retreat, our standard cancellation policy shall apply.
If you have contracted Coronavirus and are still symptomatic when you are scheduled to depart for your retreat, we will endeavor to postpone your retreat, but there may be a fee charged due to us having incurred costs. If our suppliers will not agree to a postponement, our standard cancellation policy shall apply.
You will be obliged to follow the laws, regulations and protocols of that particular country/destination/accommodation venue.
If you develop Coronavirus symptoms or contract Coronavirus while on a retreat, your facilitator will assist you to get medical attention as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we will not be able to refund you for the portion of your retreat that you miss.
No, we are not be liable/responsible for any risks associated with Coronavirus. We are not liable for any loss or expense arising out of any cancellation, postponement or shortening of your retreat due to Coronavirus. If you or another person fall ill due to Coronavirus which prevents you from attending your retreat or interrupts your retreat, we shall not be liable for any loss or expense arising therefrom.
It is important that you are aware that insurance companies do not cover you for risks associated with Coronavirus, the cancellation costs of a retreat, and all expenses for testing, treatment or self-isolation. These will be for your account.
Each venue will have its own rules and protocols which you will be required to follow. We unfortunately cannot guarantee what these rules and protocols will be the same by the time you arrive at the venue.
10. 2. We conduct small retreats which will ensure automatic distance between participants.
10. 3. Wherever possible classes will take place outside. If this is not possible, our meeting rooms will be set up observing a 2-meter distance between mats/chairs, and will be fully sanitised between classes. We intend to offer plenty of outdoor activities, such as hiking, walking safaris, and walking tours to ensure maximum distance between participants.